Sunday, March 6, 2011

LOVEMARKS: Arab Countries

I am currently reading Kevin Robert's book "Lovemarks: The future beyond brands". It was a special gift from my uncle among other books by Kevin Roberts.

I think I'll be posting ideas and thoughts on what I read here on the blog every once in a while.

Here's what I found interesting from the first chapter:

"In the Middle East I learned lessons that have been invaluable to me about how to connect with consumers, and how to do it in a place where mass marketing was in its infancy.

I learned to love the poeple. In Arab countries yoy make friends for life. The people were genuine, emotional, family-focused, hospitable. They understood their traditions and the past, and they really understood that they had a completely different future. It was very exciting. There was little resistance to the new because they didn't have much of a present. They had a past and they had a future."

This made my think of what's happening in the Arab world. I think you can substitute the words "Arab countries" with a  specific name of any other Arab country and that thought would be just as true.

Thinking about the UAE I find that it applies perfectly. We know our history, we understand our traditions, we know that the future will be a lot different than that, but what about our present? I don't think that we don't have a present. I think where we are right now the lines between the past, present, and future are blurred. I am not what my grandmother was, I am not what my (future) children will be, but I am the bridge in between.

What do you think?

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